Final Grade Calculation​ and Passing a Class based on Points

You can use the GRADE CALCULATION excel sheet attached below, so that the points are calculated for you. You can easily find out if you pass and what grade you will earn if you use this excel sheet.
Final Grade: Add grade value for each grading period and divide by 4 ​
Grade Values are: A=4, B=3, C=2, D= 1, F= 0​
Example: ABCB 4 + 3+ 2 + 3= 12 12/4=3 final grade: B
Points: Must receive a total of 10 points to pass an annual course; 5 points needed to pass a semester course​
Multiply grade point value by 2.5 for 1,2,3,4 quarter. ​ (A=10, B=7.5, C=5, D= 2.5, F= 0) ​
**5 POINT RULE- Must receive at least 5 points in the 3rd and 4th quarter in order to pass a course​
Example: BCCA 7.5+5+5+10=27.5 PASS​
ABDF 10+7.5+2.5+0=20 FAIL​
CCDD 5+5+2.5+2.5=15 PASS​
Note to parents and students:
Please be advised that it is the student and parent's responsibility to monitor the student's progress through the parent and student portal and to confirm courses are successfully passed. Final grades can be viewed through the student and parent portal through
If there are concerns, students and parents are welcome to contact their teachers and counselors for support.
​​​​​​​Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled with each teacher directly. Please email any teacher you would like to have a parent conference with and they will set up a time and date. Meetings can take place in person, via Zoom or phone call. All teacher emails are listed on the school's website under -- About -- Staff Directory.
If a student receives a FINAL failing grade in a class that is required for graduation, the student contact their school counselor and request summer school registration options. Please note that the ONLY virtual recovery courses offered and approved will be through Mater Virtual Academy at a cost of a $239 per semester. An in person, with Miami Dade County Public Schools, is also be available. Please note that only one class can be taken through MDCPS and daily attendance is mandatory.